Well, I spent the majority of the day yesterday getting everything unpacked. And while all the essentials are unpacked, there is still a lot of cleaning up to do. Hopefully I can get motivated to get it all done before I leave for Boise for the rest of the week.
We got really lucky at finding a house to rent. It was actually one of Josh's customers that he rented to at the Airport. She mentioned she was in town to check up on the two houses so owns over here, and Josh asked if she rented them. We were heading up to UT for the family reunion that weekend and she said if she wanted us to stop by and look at the house we were welcome to. We looked at it, and it is much bigger than where we were. Granted, I don't have the things to feel it up with, but that's okay, we'll have plenty of room if people want to come visit and spend time at the Temple here. She also accepted the price we wanted to pay. We got very lucky!! :)
It has a pretty large living room, and at the end near the kitchen we set up our dining table. The kitchen is a little smaller, but still bigger than what we had and is open as opposed to just a straight line with the cupboards parallel to each other. It has 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The Master is so much bigger than I'm used to! I am absolutely loving that! I haven't spent much time in the backyard, it has about 4 big trees that take up a lot of the space, but still has room to hang out. It has a pretty nice front yard as well. Overall I have beenv ery pleased with it.
I'm feeling okay about having to spend a few days each week in Boise, but will be so happy when I can find a job here. A 2 hour commute is kind of ridiculous... lol. I put in quite a few applications and resumes yesterday and hopefully I'll get a bite from at least one of them. I will just have to wait and see though.
We changed internet service providers, because Clear doesn't have coverage over here. We went with Cable One. The guy at Best Buy we talked to said that this is one of the test areas for their new fast speed. I haven't noticed anything to be disappointed about yet. The price wasn't near as scary as I was expecting either. The house was also already set up for Cable, so I didn't have to wait for anybody to come down and set it all up, I just plugged in the modem and was good to go!!
Because we switched, I also had to change my e-mail address. Lesson learned, don't go with the internet service provider for the e-mail. I couldn't decide which service to use so I just used the same as Josh's.
We're also trying to decide if Hulu is a better deal than Netflix. So far the only thing I think might be better about Hulu is that since we don't have TV, we can watch current episodes. Yet at the same time, we don't watch much on the TV anyway. Though I was glad to see that Glee was on Hulu as well as Drop Dead Diva. Josh wasn't as lucky at finding shows he wanted to watch. We'll try the 1 week trial and see what we want to do then.