Saturday, May 14, 2011


The weather has begun to warm up, on some days anyway. It is so wonderful! I never realize how much I miss the sunshine until I am able to experience it again! Josh and I have been trying to spend as much time outside as we can after work, on weekends, just any chance we get and soak it all up. We are very anxious to begin going on our camping trips every weekend we are able to and have summer here and all the fun that it brings!!

As of now we haven't had too many changes to our lives. Josh is at the airport now working, which means his schedule changes every week, but he's gotta put his time in there to continue to move forward with his career and it's a different atmosphere than working at the other branch, which is referred to as "home city" and he's enjoying it. Only 1 1/2 months now until he can grill and apply for an assistant manager position, which is very exciting!!

I've still been loving everything about my job and am working hard to move up within the company. It definitely requires a lot of patience but I am not in too big of a rush and just want to learn all that I can!

Hopefully the weather continues to stay nice this weekend and we can get some sun and maybe begin working on our tans! haha. I know Josh will be tan quick, he has good skin like that, I take a lot longer and have to be careful not to burn but it's still so so nice to feel the sun on my skin!

Hope everyone is well.

Love Josh and Jennifer

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