Sunday, May 26, 2013

Going to try something new

Well, I think I'm going to try a new way to write my blog. I'm going to do it in letter format, as in letters to my dear sweet princess. I want to document as much as I can about her life, and have been keeping her baby book updated, but there just isn't enough room in it for everything! So I shall try this. I will start it soon, but FIRST I want to put down all the dates of "firsts" or as close as I can get so I don't forget!

1st smile, not sure, but it started around December 18th.
1st laugh January 6th
1st time rolling from tummy to back: February 28th (for dad) Feb 29 (for Grammi and PaPa) and Mon March 4th for me!
1st time rolling from back to tummy March 29th for Grammi, March 30th for me
1st held bottle on her own March 18th
1st taste of "food" (rice cereal) about a week before 4 months (did not go well) and then about 3/20 you got the eating solid foods things down and LOVED it
Sleeping through the night: from the beginning slept a good 4 hours between feedings. At about 4 weeks slept 7 hours a night. at about 8 weeks was sleeping 8 hours a night, by 12 weeks was up to 10 hours, sometime before 4 months were consistent at 10-12 hours a night and still going strong with that. Usually goes to bed between 9 and 9:30 and wakes up anytime between 8 and 10 a.m.
Still working on sitting up on your own but on May 24 and May 25 able to sit on own for longest periods of times as to date.
First road trip to Rexburg 12/20
Road trip to Rexburg again 5/5/13
Road trip to Richfield 5/16/13
Does great in car
First time swimming to Given Hot Springs on Feb 25, 2013 (you LOVE the water)
First sign "milk" started week of 5/20/13, getting more consistent.
5/7/13 Said Momma, on 5/15/13 said momma more, started saying dadda right after that and is the word you say the most besides blah blah and bah bah

Hmmm, that's all I can think of right now. I'll try to start writing more frequently so I can remember all of your precious moments better!!

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