You got to go camping for the first time this past weekend! After we woke up from our nap on Saturday Momma decided she wanted to go camping. So we made a quick lunch and started packing up the Jeep to head out on our adventure. Well, a while ago we lost our sleeping bags, and so for Momma's and Dada's birthday Grammi and Papa helped us get some new ones :)
We were going to go to Willow Creek but when we got there all of the camp sites were full, so we decided to keep on driving for a bit and see what we could find. Your dad had remembered seeing a meadow type area when him and your uncles had gone fishing so we were going to try and find that. Well before we got that far we found a spot that looked like it had a flat area to put up a tent and looked like it had some rocks around to make a fire pit.
We pulled over, I strapped you to me with the Moby Wrap and began finding rocks to put together a pit while Dad started chopping wood. After we got that all put together and the tin foils dinner cooking we started setting up the tent and the rest of camp.
There wasn't much else exciting going on besides a normal camping trip. You slept in my sleeping bag with me, and slept better than me too. haha.
After we got up (early, as it seems when camping it's impossible to sleep in) we had breakfast, got the jeep packed up then went on a little hike! (Sadly I don't have those pics, they're on Dada's phone). You fell asleep but it was still a lot of fun and a BEAUTIFUL view!
We made it back in time to get to church, but as Sacrament meeting went on I realized I did not pack your diaper bag right. Had a bottle but no formula, had 1 diaper but no wipes, had baby food but not spoon!! So we had to cut it short and head home.
On Monday we went SWIMMING!! I know I've said this before but you just love the water SOO much! We went with your Aunt Kimberly, cousins Abbigail and Brooklyn, and your friend from next door Lily! After about 1 1/2 hours of swimming you got tired so just laid your head down on Momma's arm and relaxed. It was so sweet to get to cuddle with you. Lily asked if you would cuddle with her and I said we could try, and you did for a minute or two!!
For dinner we had the missionaries over and served them Elk steaks, corn on the cob, and french fries. It's always fun to have the missionaries over :)
WELL, last night at about 3:45 you woke up fussing a bit but before I ever even got out of bed you had stopped and gone back to sleep. Then at about 6 you did the same thing. Well a little after 9 you finally woke up for good! While I was feeding you breakfast I remember thinking those 2 times you had woken up that you were probably teething, so I decided to check! And sure enough there on the bottom you have 2 teeth!! I'm so excited for you!! I love watching you grow and every new thing just makes me so excited for you!!!
I love you baby girl! My sweet Princess!
Love, Momma
Daddy putting you to sleep :)
Had your first ice cream cone!
And you discovered dirt...
So Happy to play with momma and Dada

Fell asleep drinking your bottle, but I wasn't quick enough to get a pic of it. Dada has some don't worry :)
First time in a tent you had to go exploring
Having some breakfast at the camp site :)
Ready to go on a hike!
So much fun swimming!! Whenever your feet are in the water you just kick and kick and kick!!
You always fall asleep holding on to your toys in the car seat. haha
Just a relaxing evening at home :)
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