Sunday, September 14, 2014


So, the new year started with you being able to walk. You were very timid about it at first and it wasn't really until end of January/beginning of February that you officially gave up crawling and just walked everywhere.

Soon after walking came all the talking!! It seemed everyday you learned new words, and now here we are in September and you can let us know with words what it is you would like and are learning new words all the time.

I know you've done SO MUCH MORE in the past 9 months, and this is what I get for not being better about writing it all down, but I just can't seem to remember everything that you've learned and exactly when you learned it.

About 3 weeks ago you started asking to watch "Let It Go" everyday. This referred to Frozen and you favorite part of the movie. At first you would sing just the words "Let It Go" When that song came on. Now you can sing the end word of every line plus other words through out each of the songs. You will finally name individual characters (Elsa, Anna, and Olaf) instead of just saying "Let it Go" anytime we ask you what you're watching or who is this character.

It's so exciting to see you learn more and more everyday. You play so well, and Labor Day weekend you started going down the slide at parks again. You had done well in March but then seemed to be timid about it. So it was exciting to see you want to go down slides again. You also were willing to do the big slides instead of just the little ones.

The Swings are still your favorite part of the park. If someone is willing to push you, you would stay there all day.

At Grammy Parrish's house your favorite activity is to jump on the trampoline! You are SO GOOD AT THIS!! You started jumping on the tramp at about 17 months. We did a wiggle worms class, which was a mom and tots gymnastics class. You learned how to do a somersault... kind of, you would at least bend in half and put your hands by your head, though you never could kick over by yourself but were more than happy to have me help push you over. They had a little tramp that you always ran to first. You learned about taking turns in this class since there were other kiddos that also wanted to jump when they came to that stage of the obstacle course.

We always did a little warm up activity and then the obstacles. Last came the bars. By then you were usually pretty tired and grumpy from being told what to do that you didn't like to do bars. Near the end of the 10 week class we could finally get you to grab hold of the bars and let us swing you or help you flip over.

ANYWAY ever since the start of that you loved jumping on the tramp, learned how to climb the ladder to get on the tramp, and could go down the slide if you wanted off the tramp. You are definitely my little independent girl who wants to figure out ways to do things all on your own.

Some of your favorite foods are Watermelon, Cottage Cheese, Apples, Pizza, and Mac 'n' Cheese. Also Cheese Ravioli.

You like to make funny faces or repeat what other people say or do. You sometimes talk in your "monster" voice, where the words you say come out... gravelly? I suppose would be the closest way to describe it.

You started sleeping in a toddler bed June 2014. After the first 2 nights of falling off the bed you have done wonderfully!!

There was one night when mama accidentally left a sippy cup full of water on the nightstand next to your closet... in the morning when I went to get you up the sippy cup was in the bed with you, empty. So at some time in the night you got up and found the water on the opposite side of the room then went back to bed.

There was another night when I accidentally left the diaper bag in the room, you found your puffs, and took them to bed. These actually spilled everywhere and left a nice mess for mama to clean up.

So after those two incidents I've learned to make sure that your room is completely picked up before you go to bed. There have been mornings when you have different books in your bed. It always makes me happy, and makes me wonder when in the night it is that you wake up. Is it before you fall asleep? Or in the middle of the night? Whenever it is, you are very quiet about it.

HMMM.... I guess that's a good update for now. Here's some pics of the last 9 months:

You would walk with your arms behind you: Drinking from a straw at Taco John's. You picked up the cup all by yourself and did this.
Pretty hair do
 pretty dress

Daddy's Little Valentine

trying on mommy's shoes

feeding yourself
  first time wearing helmet and going on a bike ride.

Okay, that's probably enough for now.

Friday, September 12, 2014

So many things

I'm not even sure where to begin. Quick recap of the holidays, for Thanksgiving we went to a cabin in Cascade. You spent the majority of the time going up and down the stairs. This was your favorite activity at the time. Honestly, you still love going up and down stairs.

For Christmas we woke up at our house for presents, then went to the Parrish's for that Christmas, hmmm... actually, no, I think we did Christmas for the Parrish's the night before? Well, I can't remember!! I know we talked to Uncle Dylan though!!

Then we spent the afternoon/evening with the Johnson's.

playing peek a boo

Christmas Dress and Hair for Jill and Chris's ward:

trying to take a drink from a glass for the first time. you also got your first haircut on Christmas morning, we trimmed your bangs.
On the 26th we did X-mas with the Siepert's. We celebrated New Year's with the Overall's. You went to bed about 9 or so then we woke you up about 11:55pm so we could all celebrate the new year together.

OOOOHH and YOU FIGURED OUT HOW TO WALK, the Sun after Christams:

Wow. Ok. so there is 2013!! Here's a cool thing google put together for 2013

Well, there is a very quick rundown of 2013... so much has still happened. we're almost halfway through September!! We'll see how quickly I can get us caught up through these last 9 months!

Friday, May 16, 2014

An attempt at catching up

Dear Jyzelle,

It has been a very long time since I last did an update. We’ll see what kind of quick recap I can get done.
After your stay in the hospital and the 3 weeks of antibiotics going to the hospital every day, there weren’t any more “exciting” adventures in regards to your health.
I love Halloween, and was excited to do something fun for your first Halloween. Your last “first” holiday! I decided to go with Link and his fairy Navi for us. I originally wanted your dad to be Link and I’d be Zelda or something, but it ended up not working out that way so I just dressed up as Link and you were, of course, still Navi.
We went trick-or-treating with Aunt Jill, Aunt Nicole, cousins Savanna and cousin Kelson. You weren’t too interested in any of the festivities or going door to door and got wore out pretty quickly.
After Halloween I was excited because that meant 2 days until your birthday! I had been planning for a while, at least, knew I wanted the theme “Under the Sea” because The Little Mermaid DVD came out beginning of October. I had been buying packs of balls to use in your swimming pool, since of course, November is a little cold to do an actual water filled pool!
I made you a cake, with blue frosting, and put Ariel and Eric on it from the Princess Barn Little People. We had blue and white and greenish-blue balloons and same for the streamers. We made taco dip, had some salami and cheese cut up to put on crackers, and some rice krispies for those that couldn’t eat Gluten.
You had quite a few people come see you for your first birthday! You had Grammy and Papa Parrish, Grammi and Grumpy Siepert, Aunt Nicole, Jill, Kimberly, Tessa and Uncles Richard, Jared, and Chris. Heather and Logan came, as well as Kim and Jake and Flynn Overall. Our neighbors, the Soren’s, Jaron, Lindsey, Lillian, Connor and McKenzie came as well. All of your cousins were there too! It was a good fun full house. You got spoiled J
There you are with most of your presents J
I had more pictures of you on your birthday, but they’re on my camera and I seemed to have lost the cord that hooks the camera to the computer. L

Next up will be the holidays. Let’s see if I get it posted in less than 6 months from today. Haha J