Friday, September 12, 2014

So many things

I'm not even sure where to begin. Quick recap of the holidays, for Thanksgiving we went to a cabin in Cascade. You spent the majority of the time going up and down the stairs. This was your favorite activity at the time. Honestly, you still love going up and down stairs.

For Christmas we woke up at our house for presents, then went to the Parrish's for that Christmas, hmmm... actually, no, I think we did Christmas for the Parrish's the night before? Well, I can't remember!! I know we talked to Uncle Dylan though!!

Then we spent the afternoon/evening with the Johnson's.

playing peek a boo

Christmas Dress and Hair for Jill and Chris's ward:

trying to take a drink from a glass for the first time. you also got your first haircut on Christmas morning, we trimmed your bangs.
On the 26th we did X-mas with the Siepert's. We celebrated New Year's with the Overall's. You went to bed about 9 or so then we woke you up about 11:55pm so we could all celebrate the new year together.

OOOOHH and YOU FIGURED OUT HOW TO WALK, the Sun after Christams:

Wow. Ok. so there is 2013!! Here's a cool thing google put together for 2013

Well, there is a very quick rundown of 2013... so much has still happened. we're almost halfway through September!! We'll see how quickly I can get us caught up through these last 9 months!

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