Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hospital Stay Part 2

So after getting you admitted to the hospital we learn that they are worried there might be more to your infection then meets the eye. They decide that because of how swollen your ankle is they want to get an X-Ray and an MRI to see if something more is going on. Well, while they worked out on all the scheduling you had quite a few visitors! Your neighbors the Sorens' came by, your Grammy and Papa, your Uncle Jared and Aunt Jill and Uncle Chris and cousin Kelson! You are a very loved little girl. :)

Well they did the X-ray in your room and then scheduled the MRI for the next morning. Well the Xray just showed swelling, which, hello, was already obvious. The MRI got pushed from 8:30 to 2:45 so your fasting had been for nothing, BUT since it was scheduled for not too much later all you could have were "clear" liquids, so you had some pedialyte, but that seemed to help your grumbly tummy some.

 They finally took you down for your MRI, and since you're just a baby, needed to do some general Anesthesia to make sure you stayed still. WELL the MRI showed there was some fluid in your ankle, but the Dr.'s said they were sure it was just AROUND the joint, not IN the joint. However, just to be sure, they decided you needed an Ultrasound. SO that night we took you down to have an Ultrasound, which again showed a LOT of fluid in your ankle. The Dr.'s decided it was best to put you under anesthesia again to get a biopsy of the fluid. After this they said the liquid was cloudy, instead of clear, but didn't think it was anything too serious. The Dr. let us know the lab would get a reading on it (not really sure how all that works) and then would maybe have you have surgery in the morning if it needed drained.
(So MRI happened 7/18/13)

Well, we never heard anything that night so we went to sleep. At 6 the next morning a hospital transport gentleman came in to take you to surgery. I hadn't heard anything from the Dr. so I asked to speak with one before he took you away. A little bit later your nurse came in saying that the transport had come in because the surgery spot had been reserved, but that no orders had come from the Dr. yet. So we went back to sleep. (Actually, I don't think you woke up for any of this, so just I went back to sleep, haha)

WELL, maybe about 5 minutes later the nurse came back saying the Dr DID want to do surgery and so transport came back for you and we met with the Dr down in pre-op. He said they still weren't convinced it was a joint infection but they wanted to get your ankle drained just to be on the safe side. Your daddy came over to be with me while you were in surgery.
(Surgery happened 7/19/13)

After surgery the Dr met with us to let us know everything went well and you would be waking up soon.

We went in to see you and you were clutching your angel bear still groggy but I was so happy to get to see you!

 Your Ankle Pre- Surgery
Getting to see you right after surgery

So we got to go back to your room and there we stayed for a few more days. You started to feel much better on Sunday when your fever went away. I don't remember much from Saturday, so I suppose not much happened besides monitoring your progress. OH and your Grammi and Grumpy Siepert and Auntie Nicole came to see you!! You were in such a good mood when they stopped by, you played and did your new trick, which was nodding your head, and were just full of smiles and giggles!

Sunday was another day of just sitting around making sure you were doing okay. Your Uncle Jared and Grammy and Papa Parrish were frequent visitors. And of course your Grammi and Grumpy Siepert and Aunt Nicole came to see you again before having to go back home. (I don't have pictures of that now, they have the pictures on their phones/ipads)

Also on Sunday they removed your soft cast to take out the drain on your foot. At this point they did tell us that your joint was infected as well as your blood had been infected. They told us as soon as you went 48 hours with negative blood cultures we'd be able to go home, so we knew at that point that it wasn't going to be Monday like we were hoping.

Well, I guess there is going to be a part 3 because it seems like there's still so much to tell and I'm getting sleepy!

Love you Princess!!

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